X-No-Archie; Yes
Are you really this Stupid, or are you just a Morooon (Bugs Bu> Definition)
Nor stupid or a moron. It's from experience, and a lot of experience.
FRS and Citizens Band are Licensed under a Blanket License issued by the
FCC that covers ALL US Citizens....
Yes, and I've been stopped while parked at a public park in the middle
of the day for less than two minutes for illegally listening to a
legal FCC-certified factory stock CB without the appropriate radio
license which says that I'm allowed to transmit ham radio on the
regular 40 channels and legaly allowed to conduct ham radio operations
on the regular 40 channels, which is a clear violation of FCC rules,
but the ONLY way that's legal according to the cop.
I was getting ready to go for a walk on the public trails at the
public park in the middle of the day during normal business hours when
the parj is open to the piblic., had been there less than two minutes.
It takes longer than that to turn off my CB, gather up the things I'm
going to bring on the trail, such as food and/or drinks and lock my
car doors.
Before I could get out, a police car pulled up flashing it's lights,
not s park ranger car, but the municipalities' police cars. They look
different. The park rangers cars say ranger on tem and don't have the
municipalities name on them like the cop cars do.
He made me show him my car insurance papers and drivers license even
though I was completely parked and hadn't been speeding and called in
my plates.
At first he claimed to have stopped me for loitering . Since when is
two minutes loitering? As I said , it takes longer than that to get
ready since you have to unbuckle your seat belts, state law requires
having them buckled while driving, etcetera.
Then he claimed to have stopped me because he saw me at the park a
different day.
After all, it's against the law for you to go to a public park near
your house more than one time in your rntire life.
But most of his quesions and statements were about the completely
legal 40 channel CB i had which I think is the real reason he stopped
me, because he saw ONE antenna on my car.
He asked me if I had a ham radio license to use it. I I honestly
replied it isn't a ham radio, it's a CB. And that I was only
listening to it (which is all I was doing at that time) I was talking
normally, not confrontational. Then he told me that it was the law
that I still have to have a ham radio license permitting me to operate
ham radio on those same CB channels (the legal 40) even just to listen
and asked me if I was going to study for my ham radio license so that
I would be operating leggally by operating ham radio on the CB
Now I was nervous because I knew he was going to arrest me and haul me
off to jail even though I didnt commit any crime, unless that county
actually does have a law stating that, in which case they're telling
innocent law abiding citizens that by law, they MUST violate FCC
But is definitely against the law in that county to disagree with
anything a police officer says to you (whether it's correct or nor),
so I obeyed the law and told him yes, I was going to study fot the
test for the license (which allows me to legally transmit ham radio
on the regulart r40 CB channels).
Then instead of arresting me like he said before he was going to (when
I answered honestly about it being a CB instead of ham radio) he said
okay and that he was letting me go since I agreed to study for the
license which says I;m allowed to transmity ham radio on th CB
channels but that he was putting me on the criminal terrorist list
since I broke the law by illegally listening to a CB radio without the
REQUIRED license which specifically says I'm allowed to transmit ham
radio on the CB channels and that he would be watching me from now on.
Well, the other week, I had to ask my car insurance agent something
about my car insurancde card and papers, and without even mentioning
the incident above, my car insurance agent said I won't have to worry
about and won't have to show my car insurance card to any police
officers as long as I'm not speeding and not committing any other
moving vioation or parking violation.
Well, I imediately knew my car insurance agent was wrong and mistaken
from the incident above, but I didn't say anything to him about it.
After all, my car insurance rates would go up if they knew I was also
getting stopped by ploice while legally parked in a legal parking
Thankfully, the policed in my own county aren't that bad. Actually,
the police in my own county are good and uphold the law, while I know
for a fact that the police in the next county used to have a speed
trap until the state got after them for it.
I've also been stopped by cops and told it is illegal to have a
shortwave broadcast reciever in my car whether insttalled or not. Mine
was installed. It covered ONLY the shortwave broadcast bands, and not
even all of them. No other crime was comitted and no other reason for
the stop. I was even told by the cop that's why he stopped me. And it
was NOT a crime in my state to have one in the car at the time,
whether installed or not and it still isn't. Now, Michigan is a
different story.
It covered only a few of the broadcast bands, such as 49 meters. It
was not continous tuning across the entire shortwave spectrum but just
a few broadcast bands. That's ALL it covered. What was so illegal
about listening to the BBC while mobile here in the U.S.? And why is
it any different than listening to the AM or FM broadcasters while
mobile here in the U.S.?
And since it's illegal to listen to uch broadcasters as the BBC and
Radio Netherlands while mobbile here in the U.S. (according to the
cops), then why haven't they stopped and arrested the people using
Sirius and XM radios in their vehicles while mobile?
As I understand it, those tadios can also pick up the illegal to
listen to while mobile BBC and Radio Netherlands whilre mobile here in
the U.S.?
And before you say I can just fight it in court, no I can't. I'm not
rrich and can't even afford the huge regular court costs let alone
another $300 required to appeal it if not ruled in my favor by the
local court.
And that doesn't even count lawyer fees.
And no, I wasn'ty argumentive in any of thise conrontations with the
cops when they stopped me and was NOT comitting any crimes whatsoever
at the time, not even speeding.
They manufacture excuses and put innocent law abiding people on
criminal lists which they can't be taken off of.
And that kinnd of thing NEEDS to be stopped.
Especially in this country where we're supposed to be free and
innocent untril proven guilty.
And that is why a formerly friendly, formerly shy person who used to
mind his own business and tried to be friendly to everyone had turned
into Scrooge.
Because of policer syopping me and putting me on a criminal listfor
the crime of listening to a FCC-type accepred Cb without the REQUIRED
license allowing ham radio license on the regular 40 CB channels in
direct violation of the FCC rules because obeying the FCC rules is
illegal (according to the cop).
GMRS Licenses are issued to the Primary Licensee in Paper Form as are
All FCC Licenses... To meet Posting Requirements established for each
Radio Service, Photocopies are considered equal to FCC Original Licenses.
If you "Look" in the GMRS Rules, there will be a sub-section on License
Posting Requirements, and if not, then Posting is Not Required, for that
Radio Service, and therefor not REQUIRED to be in the operators personal
possession. Duh....
That didn't stop multiple cops from arresting someone for "illegally"
legally "transmitting" on a GMRS radio on his own property.
Does this Mythical "Barney Fife", have a Copy of the Radio License for
his "Cop Radio" on him? The answer is "NO", and the reason is, it is NOT
REQUIRED For That Radio Service. It Is REQUIRED that the Original
License be POSTED at the Principal Operating Position for that Radio
System, which is designated ON the License..... and be available for
Inspection, by FCC Personnel.
Where is the REQUIRED license saying that I'm allowed to conduct ham
radio operations on the regular 40 CB channels in violation of FCC
rules so that I'm legal???
Clue.... It doesn't exist. The FCC issues no such license since it's a
violation of it's rules.
And my state certainly doesn't.
The only other possibility is it's either a county or city law (not my
county or city, thankfully) issuing such licenses in direct violation
of FCC rules, similar to OSU requiring people to use non-certidffied
transmitters in violation of FCC rules if OSU says you must.
And therefore, the city or county has comitted a criminal act since
only the FCC has authority over radio transmitting in this country.
Or the cop is making up the story about such a license being
required, which I nelieve is the case- him making it up- in which
case the cop is guilty of committing the federal crime of fraud, and
incitring people to commit criminal acts. It is against the law to
tell other people they must commit criminal acts.
Such as violating FCC rules, which according to him, is the only way
to remain legal.
If you would just READ the FCC Rules for you Radio Service, this would
all be clear to you, but apparently you are not capable of this.... So
you post these stupid Rants here....
I've read them. At least the parts that concern me such as part 15, CB
part 95, and FRS/GMRS.
And I understand them. It's the stupid idiotic cop that doesn't
understand them.
I had a copy of part 95 rules with me at the time. And even that
wasn't god enough for him. According to him, to remain legal, I still
have to violate FCC rules, otherwise I'm breaking the law.
Not that I'm going to listen to him. He was one of the younger people
who has attended public schools more recently. Which I have found out
the hard way and through experience are idiots and jerks and atre that
way from the public schools since everyone else I know who attended
private school at the same time are not idiots nor jerks.
While the ones I know who did are all idiots and jerrks.
In any city I go to.
That's how I know it's because of the public schools' more recent