even if hfa is sucessful, you still can't use your radios in most hoas
(too old to reply)
2008-10-31 00:46:47 UTC
well, it looks like CB will soon be illegal here in the U.S. as well
as ham radio, frs, and gmrs.

Even if HFA (hams for action) is successful in forcing homeowners
associations to allow cb and ham antennas, you
STILL won't be able to use them since most homeowner associations now
prohibit the actual transmissions theirselves
of CB and ham radio.

Some even prevent all radio transmissions on the hoa property
including frs and gmrs and
whatever else.

I was looking for apartments. One county said that by law, whenever
you move to anywhere within that county, you must
join a homeowners' association. It's the law.

Some people say move into a house there without a hoa and without

Nope. That doesn't work. take a look at the law again. Whenever you
move to ANYWHERE within that county, INCLUDING
a non hoa non CC&R house, then BY LAW, you MUST JOIN a HOA. Then the
formerly non hoa non CC&R house automatically becomes a HOA controlled
CC&R restricted house.

And if you don't, you're breaking the law and liens can be placed on
your house by whetever hoa decides to file a
lawsuit against you.

And from what I've read, courts have been continually ruling in favor
of the hoas in most of the instances.

And more and more cities, counties, and I've heard even some states,
are following suit.

And people have already said that the FCC said they don't have any
authority over it since counties forcing you
to involuntarily join A HOA is you voulantarily agreeing to join a hoa
and the hoa rules.

Some people say transmit mobile

Nope. That doesn't work either.

Most current hoa rules are worded something like "no cb or ham radio
transmissions are allowed on hoa property or
any area controlled by the hoa.

From what other hams said, I originally thought this meant you were
safe as long as you were transmitting from off of
hoa property. (And so did they).

Nope. It turns out that even if you're transmitting from off of the
hoa property, if your signal is receivable on hoa property,
it IS "transmitting ON Hoa property and on areas controlled by the
hoa" and you are in violation of both the hoa rules and

Otherwise the rules would be worded "no transmitting from hoa
property" instead of being worded "no transmitting on
hoa property".

Some hoas have already went after hams who tried that.

One ham thought he was obeying his hoa rules by transmitting from the
public streets around town, not the hoa
controlled streets, but only from the public city owned streets around
town and his hoa fined him for it and went after
him for it.

Another ham did deliberately disobey his hoa rules by transmitting in
secret with low power on two meters.

Even though his hoa rules said "no CB or ham radio transmissions

Neighbors heard him on their scanner, reported it to the hoa, he was
fined and took it to court.

His lawyer argued that since other peole in the hoa constantly use
their frs/gmrs radios, it was selective enforcement by
the hoa and therefore illegal acts by the hoa.

The judge ruled that since frs/gmrs radios do not require a federal
license, they are allowed and perfectly illegal, and
since ham radio requires a federal license they are not allowed even
if you have a federal license to operate one and
therefore illegal.

There are several things I find curious about the judge's ruling.

In no particular order,

1. Since when do GMRS radios NOT require a federal license to

2. Why were the frs/gmrs radios still allowed? FRS IS CB. If you don't
belive me, just take a look at the FCC rules.
And the hoa rules clearly said no cb transmissions allowed.

3. Since unlicensed radios are allowed and legal, does this mean th
ham can put up a CB antenna in violation of the
hoa rules since CB doesn't require a federal license and the judge
already said that radios which do not require
a federal license are okay and legal to operate, even on hoa property?

So there's at least two instances, in two different places where
legally, unlicensed part 15 devices legally have legal priority over
federally licensed part 97 devices.

Some people say just operate portable.

Nope. A couple of cities near me have passed laws that while not
mentioning CB or ham specifically as far as I know,
does in effect make them illegal to use at certain times or

One of the cities (soorry. I don't remmember which one) passed a ban
on portable cell phone use.

Yes, portable, not just mobile.

Their reasoning was that it violates the disturbing the peace law
since other people passing by you while you're
walking in the parking lot, in the store, or on the public sidewalks
can hear you talking to the other person on the cell

Now this law while as far as I know not actually mentioning CB or ham
radio makes CB and ham radio users twice as
guilty of breaking the law since the passerbys hear not only you
talking to the other person on the radio, but also hear
the other person on the radio talking to you.

the city says such devices are to only be used from your home. They're
not allowed to be used in public.

But you can't use them from home because of hoa rules.

The hoas say such devices should only be used in public off of hoa

But the city says not in public, only from home.

So you end up in court in both cases and having to pay fines in both

So in effect, frs, gmrs, cb radio and ham radio are now illegal in
that city.

And other cities will probably soon be following suit.

Which means that eventually , cb and ham radio will be illegal
everwhere in the U.S. since the FCC refused to get
involved on the grounds of them "not having any authority over it
since it's voulantary contract law".

Some people say place a restriction on your home that it can never
ever be controlled by hoas or CC&Rs.

Doesn't work either. When you try that, they just take over it by
"emnint domain".

Although I don't know how land developers got "eminint domain" over
certain places since I thought only the government
could do that, but I've seen it happen.

Some people living in homes built before HOAs and CC&Rs came to their
neighborhood ended up with hoas placing
liens on their homes for refusing to join hoas.

I thought that's a violation of the ex-post-facto laws of the U.S.

People tried to take the hoas to court using that defense.

I only read about one person being sucessful with that defense.

From what I read, the majority who tried that defense ended up losing
in court, because the courts ruled that since
the hoas are not governments, the laws of the U.S. constitution
preventing the government from enacting ex-post-facto
laws does not apply to the hoas and therefore, the hoas can legally
place a lien on your non HOA non CC&R house
for you refusing to join the hoa (even though there's nothing else
anywhere saying they can take ovver your land) and
can legally force you to join the hoa while living in non hoa non CC&R

(From what I read, mostly Illinois courts, but some other places

It's actually illegal here to use wireless hands free devices, and was
before there were even cell phones. Because
it was proven to be more dangerous.

yet somehow, the cell phone companies have gotten away with breaking
the law banning them and they are sold in
stores around here. Although illegal.
Scott in Baltimore
2008-10-31 01:42:19 UTC
Let me quote your message so it lasts!

radioguy <***@yahoo.com> wrote:

well, it looks like CB will soon be illegal here in the U.S. as well
as ham radio, frs, and gmrs.

Even if HFA (hams for action) is successful in forcing homeowners
associations to allow cb and ham antennas, you
STILL won't be able to use them since most homeowner associations now
prohibit the actual transmissions theirselves
of CB and ham radio.

Some even prevent all radio transmissions on the hoa property
including frs and gmrs and
whatever else.

I was looking for apartments. One county said that by law, whenever
you move to anywhere within that county, you must
join a homeowners' association. It's the law.

Some people say move into a house there without a hoa and without

Nope. That doesn't work. take a look at the law again. Whenever you
move to ANYWHERE within that county, INCLUDING
a non hoa non CC&R house, then BY LAW, you MUST JOIN a HOA. Then the
formerly non hoa non CC&R house automatically becomes a HOA controlled
CC&R restricted house.

And if you don't, you're breaking the law and liens can be placed on
your house by whetever hoa decides to file a
lawsuit against you.

And from what I've read, courts have been continually ruling in favor
of the hoas in most of the instances.

And more and more cities, counties, and I've heard even some states,
are following suit.

And people have already said that the FCC said they don't have any
authority over it since counties forcing you
to involuntarily join A HOA is you voulantarily agreeing to join a hoa
and the hoa rules.

Some people say transmit mobile

Nope. That doesn't work either.

Most current hoa rules are worded something like "no cb or ham radio
transmissions are allowed on hoa property or
any area controlled by the hoa.

From what other hams said, I originally thought this meant you were
safe as long as you were transmitting from off of
hoa property. (And so did they).

Nope. It turns out that even if you're transmitting from off of the
hoa property, if your signal is receivable on hoa property,
it IS "transmitting ON Hoa property and on areas controlled by the
hoa" and you are in violation of both the hoa rules and

Otherwise the rules would be worded "no transmitting from hoa
property" instead of being worded "no transmitting on
hoa property".

Some hoas have already went after hams who tried that.

One ham thought he was obeying his hoa rules by transmitting from the
public streets around town, not the hoa
controlled streets, but only from the public city owned streets around
town and his hoa fined him for it and went after
him for it.

Another ham did deliberately disobey his hoa rules by transmitting in
secret with low power on two meters.

Even though his hoa rules said "no CB or ham radio transmissions

Neighbors heard him on their scanner, reported it to the hoa, he was
fined and took it to court.

His lawyer argued that since other peole in the hoa constantly use
their frs/gmrs radios, it was selective enforcement by
the hoa and therefore illegal acts by the hoa.

The judge ruled that since frs/gmrs radios do not require a federal
license, they are allowed and perfectly illegal, and
since ham radio requires a federal license they are not allowed even
if you have a federal license to operate one and
therefore illegal.

There are several things I find curious about the judge's ruling.

In no particular order,

1. Since when do GMRS radios NOT require a federal license to

2. Why were the frs/gmrs radios still allowed? FRS IS CB. If you don't
belive me, just take a look at the FCC rules.
And the hoa rules clearly said no cb transmissions allowed.

3. Since unlicensed radios are allowed and legal, does this mean th
ham can put up a CB antenna in violation of the
hoa rules since CB doesn't require a federal license and the judge
already said that radios which do not require
a federal license are okay and legal to operate, even on hoa property?

So there's at least two instances, in two different places where
legally, unlicensed part 15 devices legally have legal priority over
federally licensed part 97 devices.

Some people say just operate portable.

Nope. A couple of cities near me have passed laws that while not
mentioning CB or ham specifically as far as I know,
does in effect make them illegal to use at certain times or

One of the cities (soorry. I don't remmember which one) passed a ban
on portable cell phone use.

Yes, portable, not just mobile.

Their reasoning was that it violates the disturbing the peace law
since other people passing by you while you're
walking in the parking lot, in the store, or on the public sidewalks
can hear you talking to the other person on the cell

Now this law while as far as I know not actually mentioning CB or ham
radio makes CB and ham radio users twice as
guilty of breaking the law since the passerbys hear not only you
talking to the other person on the radio, but also hear
the other person on the radio talking to you.

the city says such devices are to only be used from your home. They're
not allowed to be used in public.

But you can't use them from home because of hoa rules.

The hoas say such devices should only be used in public off of hoa

But the city says not in public, only from home.

So you end up in court in both cases and having to pay fines in both

So in effect, frs, gmrs, cb radio and ham radio are now illegal in
that city.

And other cities will probably soon be following suit.

Which means that eventually , cb and ham radio will be illegal
everwhere in the U.S. since the FCC refused to get
involved on the grounds of them "not having any authority over it
since it's voulantary contract law".

Some people say place a restriction on your home that it can never
ever be controlled by hoas or CC&Rs.

Doesn't work either. When you try that, they just take over it by
"emnint domain".

Although I don't know how land developers got "eminint domain" over
certain places since I thought only the government
could do that, but I've seen it happen.

Some people living in homes built before HOAs and CC&Rs came to their
neighborhood ended up with hoas placing
liens on their homes for refusing to join hoas.

I thought that's a violation of the ex-post-facto laws of the U.S.

People tried to take the hoas to court using that defense.

I only read about one person being sucessful with that defense.

From what I read, the majority who tried that defense ended up losing
in court, because the courts ruled that since
the hoas are not governments, the laws of the U.S. constitution
preventing the government from enacting ex-post-facto
laws does not apply to the hoas and therefore, the hoas can legally
place a lien on your non HOA non CC&R house
for you refusing to join the hoa (even though there's nothing else
anywhere saying they can take ovver your land) and
can legally force you to join the hoa while living in non hoa non CC&R

(From what I read, mostly Illinois courts, but some other places

It's actually illegal here to use wireless hands free devices, and was
before there were even cell phones. Because
it was proven to be more dangerous.

yet somehow, the cell phone companies have gotten away with breaking
the law banning them and they are sold in
stores around here. Although illegal.
2008-11-03 19:20:59 UTC
Post by Scott in Baltimore
Let me quote your message so it lasts!
I do find the story about the Illinois court rulings I heard/read
about far-fetched.

However, if the Illinois courts are anything like the California
courts, then I can believe it.

I definitely wouldn't put it past the California courts to make such a

And what could be more scarier over Halloween weekend to two-way radio
operators than homeowners' associations? ;)

Some other things I find curious about the judge's ruling in the case
of the ham who lost in court over secretly transmitting
from his hoa, while the hoa allowed other residents to use frs cb
radios against the rules is

1. How can that not be selective enforcement when the hoa rules
clearly said cb transmissions are not allowed.

2. The neighbors didn't have to even know if the ham was at home or
not while transmitting. Just hearing him on their
scanner and recording it to tape was enough.

The court didn't need to know it to get a conviction either. Just the
existence of the tape with the ham's voice on it
was enough "evidence" of "proof" to get a conviction against the ham.

How do the neighbors and court know that the ham wasn't on his
computer using Echolink instead?

In that case, the hams voice would still come over the neighbors'
scanner via a two meter repeater or 70 cm repeater
without the ham actually transmitting anything at all from the hoa.

However, good luck in getting judges and hoas to believe that one.

Now to be fair, I did read some rules from a hoa which did allow both
CB and ham radio antennas.

As long as ALL cb and ham radio antennas are buried underground
exactly like the cable tv antenna wires.

And hooked up exactly like the cable tv antenna wires.

The reason for that is because antennas cause interference so the more
antennas there are the more interfference is
caused and by making everything go through only one and the same
antenna, it eliminates all interference.

It's a good thing for me I don't live there. If I did, I would either

1. Be fined fines I can't afford and in serious legal trouble in
court for breaking the law by disobeying the hoa rules by not having
my antennas hooked up exactly as the hoa requires.


2. Be fined fines I can't afford and in serious legal trouble in court
for obeying the hoa rules by having my antennas hooked up exactly as
the hoa requires.

Since it's against the law to illegally transmit through cable tv
2008-11-03 19:36:34 UTC
x-n0-archive: yes
Post by Scott in Baltimore
Let me quote your message so it lasts!
In the case of the ham who the judge ruled ham radio isn't allowed
since it requires a federal license to operate and
frs/gmrs is allowed since it doesn't require a federal license to

And the hoa rules forbidding CB which frs is, while allowing other
residents to use frs/gmrs

I think if it was me (which it wasn't) then after the court ruling, I
would give the Hoa EXACTLY what they want and
transmit only on GMRS.

However with a real GMRS radio at a full fifty watts

which I would need since I would be truthfully telling everyone I knew
on cb and ham that according to the court rulings and
law, I am only allowed to talk on GMRS.

along with the court ruling also going for other cbers and ham radio
operators in similar hoas with the same rules.

Of course, all the other residents of the hoa would then start
complaining that they're not able to use their gmrs radios
because when they turn it on, they hear a bunch of cb, ham,former cb,
and former ham radio operators talking.

And sometimes hear them talking to me and me talking to them.

But hey, in that case, I'm just following the law and court rulings
from the hoa taking me to court in the first place.

If it happened to me, which it didn't.

The ruling was against some ham or so he claimed.
2008-11-09 23:49:22 UTC
Post by radioguy
x-n0-archive: yes
Post by Scott in Baltimore
Let me quote your message so it lasts!
In the case of the ham who the judge ruled ham radio isn't allowed
since it requires a federal license to operate and
frs/gmrs is allowed since it doesn't require a federal license to
I thought federal (FCC) law superceded local law.
Phil Stripling
2008-11-10 19:03:40 UTC
Post by morgaine
Post by radioguy
In the case of the ham who the judge ruled ham radio isn't allowed
since it requires a federal license to operate and
frs/gmrs is allowed since it doesn't require a federal license to
I thought federal (FCC) law superceded local law.
The snippet quoted above your comment is most likely an incorrect
summary of the actual decision. First, GMRS _does_ require q federal
license to operate. Second, the statement that ham radio isn't allowed
because it requires federal license to operate isn't a complete
statement. "You can't operate if you don't have a license because a
license is required" would be a correct statement, for example. "You
can't operate a ham station in your home with a license because a
federal license is required" would be wrong.

I'd want the citation to the case so I could read it myself. The
summary provided is clearly incorrect.
Hoop Dee Doo
2008-11-10 01:13:13 UTC
Post by radioguy
� � � � � � � � � � �http://NewsReader.Com/
�well, it looks like �CB will soon be illegal here in the U.S. as well
as ham radio, frs, and gmrs.
Even if HFA (hams for action) is successful in forcing homeowners
associations to allow cb and ham antennas, you
STILL won't be able to use �them since most homeowner associations now
prohibit the actual transmissions theirselves
of CB and ham radio.
Some even prevent all radio transmissions on the hoa property
including frs and gmrs and
whatever else.
I was looking for apartments. One county said that by law, whenever
you move to anywhere within that county, you must
join a homeowners' association. It's the law.
What county and state is this law/ordinance? Seems to be a law that
would be very easy to get tossed.
Post by radioguy
Some people say move into a house there without a hoa and without
Nope. That doesn't work. take a look at the law again. Whenever you
move to ANYWHERE within that county, INCLUDING
�a non hoa non CC&R house, then BY LAW, you MUST JOIN a HOA. Then the
formerly non hoa non CC&R house automatically becomes a HOA controlled
CC&R restricted house.
And if you don't, you're breaking the law and liens can be placed on
your house by whetever hoa decides to file a
lawsuit against you.
And from what I've read, courts have been continually ruling in favor
of the hoas in most of the instances.
And more and more cities, counties, and I've heard even some states,
are following suit.
And people have already said that the FCC said they don't have any
authority over it since counties forcing you
to involuntarily join A HOA is you voulantarily agreeing to join a hoa
and the hoa rules.
Some people say transmit mobile
Nope. That doesn't work either.
Most current hoa rules are worded something like "no cb or ham radio
transmissions are allowed on hoa property or
any area controlled by the hoa.
From what other hams said, I originally thought this meant you were
safe as long as you were transmitting from off of
hoa property. (And so did they).
Nope. It turns out that even if you're transmitting from off of the
hoa property, if your signal is receivable on hoa property,
it IS "transmitting ON Hoa property and on areas controlled by the
hoa" and you are in violation of both the hoa rules and
Otherwise the rules would be worded "no transmitting from hoa
property" instead of being worded "no transmitting on
�hoa property".
Some hoas have already went after hams who tried that.
One ham thought he was obeying his hoa rules by transmitting from the
public streets around town, not the hoa
controlled streets, but only from the public city owned streets around
town and his hoa fined him for it and went after
him for it.
Another ham did deliberately disobey his hoa rules by transmitting in
secret with low power on two meters.
Even though his hoa rules said "no CB or ham radio transmissions
Neighbors heard him on their scanner, reported it to the hoa, he was
fined and took it to court.
His lawyer argued that since other peole in the hoa constantly use
their frs/gmrs radios, it was selective enforcement by
the hoa and therefore illegal acts by the hoa.
The judge ruled that since frs/gmrs radios do not require a �federal
license, they are allowed and perfectly illegal, and
since ham radio requires a federal license they are not allowed even
if you have a federal license to operate one and
therefore illegal.
There are several things I find curious about the judge's ruling.
In no particular order,
1. Since when do GMRS radios NOT require a federal license to
2. Why were the frs/gmrs radios still allowed? FRS IS CB. If you don't
belive me, just take a look at the FCC rules.
And the hoa rules clearly said no cb transmissions allowed.
3. Since unlicensed radios are allowed and legal, does this mean th
ham can put up a CB antenna in violation of the
hoa rules since CB doesn't require a federal license and the judge
already said that radios which do not require
a federal license are okay and legal to operate, even on hoa property?
So there's at least two instances, in two different places where
legally, unlicensed part 15 devices legally have legal priority over
federally licensed part 97 devices.
Some people say just operate portable.
Nope. A couple of cities near me have passed laws that while not
mentioning CB or ham specifically as far as I know,
does in effect make them illegal to use at certain times or
One of the cities (soorry. I don't remmember which one) passed a ban
on portable cell phone use.
Yes, portable, not just mobile.
Their reasoning was that it violates the disturbing the peace law
since other people passing by you while you're
walking in the parking lot, in the store, or on the public sidewalks
can hear you talking to the other person on the cell
Now this law while as far as I know not actually mentioning CB or ham
radio makes CB and ham radio users twice as
guilty of breaking the law since the passerbys hear not only you
talking to the other person on the radio, but also hear
�the other person on the radio talking to you.
the city says such devices are to only be used from your home. They're
not allowed to be used in public.
But you can't use them from home because of hoa rules.
The hoas say such devices should only be used in public off of hoa
But the city says not in public, only from home.
So you end up �in court in both cases and having to pay fines in both
So in effect, frs, gmrs, cb radio and ham radio are now illegal in
that city.
And other cities will probably soon be following suit.
Which means that eventually , cb and ham radio will be illegal
everwhere in the U.S. since the FCC refused to get
involved on the grounds of them "not having any authority over it
since it's voulantary contract law".
Some people say place a restriction on your home that it can never
ever be controlled by hoas or CC&Rs.
Doesn't work either. When you try that, they just take over it by
"emnint domain".
Although I don't know how land developers got "eminint domain" over
certain places since I thought only the government
could do that, but I've seen it happen.
Some people living in homes built before HOAs and CC&Rs came to their
neighborhood ended up with hoas placing
liens on their homes for refusing to join hoas.
I thought that's a violation of the ex-post-facto laws of the U.S.
People tried to take the hoas to court using that defense.
I only read about one person being sucessful with that defense.
From what I read, the majority who tried that defense ended up losing
in court, because the courts ruled that since
the hoas are not governments, the laws of the U.S. constitution
preventing the government from enacting ex-post-facto
laws does not apply to the hoas and therefore, the hoas can legally
place a lien on your non HOA non CC&R house
for you refusing to join the hoa (even though there's nothing else
anywhere saying they can take ovver your land) and
can legally force you to join the hoa while living in non hoa non CC&R
(From what I read, mostly Illinois courts, but some other places
It's actually illegal here to use wireless hands free devices, and was
before there were even cell phones. Because
it was proven to be more dangerous.
yet somehow, the cell phone companies have gotten away with breaking
the law banning them and they are sold in
�stores around here. Although �illegal.
I don't want to sound suspicious, but I find this whole story to sound
like...well...a crock of bull.

Again, what city/county and state has this ordinance/law?
an old freind
2008-11-10 01:32:35 UTC
On Nov 9, 8:13 pm, Hoop Dee Doo <***@hotmail.com> wrote:
stop the stalking
Hoop Dee Doo
2008-11-10 01:47:24 UTC
Post by an old freind
stop the stalking
Mark, what are you talking about? Take your meds and have your wife
make you an appointment with your psychiatrist. Please leave the
adults alone.

Thank you.
an old freind
2008-11-10 01:59:47 UTC
On Nov 9, 8:47 pm, Hoop Dee Doo <***@hotmail.com> wrote:
stop the stalking
Post by Hoop Dee Doo
Mark, what are you talking about?
you continued stalking and harrassing
Hoop Dee Doo
2008-11-10 02:17:50 UTC
�stop the stalking
Post by Hoop Dee Doo
Mark, what are you talking about?
you continued stalking and harrassing
What are you talking about??? Are you delusional? I have not
commented to you or about you. Leave me alone and I will leave you
an old freind
2008-11-10 02:19:09 UTC
Post by Hoop Dee Doo
What are you talking about??
you stalking
Post by Hoop Dee Doo
? Are you delusional?
Post by Hoop Dee Doo
 I have not
commented to you or about you.
Post by Hoop Dee Doo
Leave me alone and I will leave you
again you lie
Hoop Dee Doo
2008-11-10 02:34:40 UTC
Post by an old freind
Post by Hoop Dee Doo
What are you talking about??
you stalking
Post by Hoop Dee Doo
? Are you delusional?
Post by Hoop Dee Doo
�I have not
commented to you or about you.
Post by Hoop Dee Doo
Leave me alone and I will leave you
again you lie
Whatever, kook.
an old freind
2008-11-10 02:37:24 UTC
On Nov 9, 9:34 pm, Hoop Dee Doo <***@hotmail.com> wrote:
Post by an old freind
again you lie
Whatever, kook.-
glad you agree now buzz off stalker
Hoop Dee Doo
2008-11-10 20:29:42 UTC
Post by an old freind
Post by an old freind
again you lie
Whatever, kook.-
glad you agree now buzz off stalker
Yes, I agree that you are a kook, now go back to you nimrod ham
playground, and leave the adults to use the net as it was intended.
an old friend
2008-11-10 20:57:44 UTC
On Nov 10, 3:29 pm, Hoop Dee Doo <***@hotmail.com> wrote:
Hoop Dee Doo
2008-11-11 00:20:11 UTC
Flake, ejected and banned freak, KB9RQZ.
2008-11-11 01:17:12 UTC
On Mon, 10 Nov 2008 16:20:11 -0800 (PST), Hoop Dee Doo
<***@hotmail.com> wrote:

"one useless man is disgrace 2 become a law firm 3 or more become a congress"

woger you are a Congress all in your own head

altopia is never used by KB9RQZ
nor is ***@hotmail.com ever
btw i can be found at
17366 N River Rd
Chassel Mi

but the cowards asking lack the gut to act
Hoop Dee Doo
2008-11-11 14:09:19 UTC
Post by k***@yahoo.com
On Mon, 10 Nov 2008 16:20:11 -0800 (PST), Hoop Dee Doo
"one useless man is disgrace 2 become a law firm 3 or more become a congress"
woger you are a Congress all in your own head
altopia is never used by KB9RQZ
btw i can be found at
17366 N River Rd
Chassel Mi
but the cowards asking lack the gut to act
We don't have the time to act on your big fat gut...go on a diet Mark
Morgan KB9RQZ and stop your stalking of other hams.

Your ham club ejected you from your office as President for your
stalking, yet you still did not learn your lesson.

I'll see you at Benson if you are not too much of a coward to show up,
Chicken Boy.
2008-11-11 19:59:38 UTC
On Tue, 11 Nov 2008 06:09:19 -0800 (PST), Hoop Dee Doo
<***@hotmail.com> wrote:

"one useless man is disgrace 2 become a law firm 3 or more become a congress"

woger you are a Congress all in your own head

altopia is never used by KB9RQZ
nor is ***@hotmail.com ever
btw i can be found at
17366 N River Rd
Chassel Mi

but the cowards asking lack the gut to act
