2009-12-18 09:08:23 UTC
X-No-Archive: Yes
I just found this on the net from "Coral Springs Tower Club II Condo
It sounds like a good place for hams, cbers, gmrs users, and scanner
listeners, right?
Here are a couple of their rules.
"No radio or television aerial or antenna shall be attached to, or
hung from the exteriorof the units or the roofs thereon, and no
transmitting equipment shall be operated in a unit. This prohibition
does not apply to any master television antenna systeminstalled by the
Condominium Association for the use by all units. See rules
forinstallation of satellite dishes"
The rule above violates both the FCC rules and law passed by Congress
that they are not allowed to prevent people who own the entire house
or entire condo from putting up an outside antenna.
So you think you can put one up since Congress made a law saying so
and submitting the rulings from the FCC on the subject?
Not according to them, despite what you learned in school about
Their other rule explicitly says so
So if you probide them with either the informaation from the FCC about
the FCC rulings or the law from Congress or both, their hoa rules
supercede the FCC rules and even supercedes U.S. laws made by the
U.S. Congress (accordig to them).
Just like Ohio State University requires you to use a transmitter not
certified by the FCC if OSU determines that a FCC-certifiesd
transmitter is causing interference to other transmitters or
recievees. Look up the OSU rules ansd you'll see.
Now how can anyone say these hoas are not anti-American?
I was on vacation elsewhere recently and the hoas even impose their
rules on people who don't live there who have never made any
agreements with the hoas at all. And have the city's law enforcement
officers eenfoece it against anyone who doesn't comply even though the
citu itself doesn't have any laws aganst that activity. But obviouslly
has some soer of laws against disobeying hoas' rules even if you don't
live there and never ever made any agreement with any hoa whatsoever.
I didn't even live in that fricking' state. We were just visiting.
Whar gives them the right to not let us use our car radio at low
volume in our own car in what is supposed to be a free country when we
never signed any agreement with them at all? All through all my years
in school, I learned this was a free country where you could do those
things when you wanted.
Well,then, since it obviously isn't, all of my school teachers I've
ever had through all my school years dfrom elementary school, junior
high school, high school, and college should ALL be sued for
committing the federal crime of fraud.
Unfortunately, that can't be done since the states are aware that is
what would happen by imposing un-American hoas and cc&rs on
everything, so the states made laws saying no one can sue anyone else,
or any other businerss or organization after one year from the date
the crime was committed or one year after an alleged crime was
committed.. But that all business are allowed to sue individuals even
after tewenty five years after an alleged crime is committted and even
twenty five years or longer after a crime is committed.
Thaty's just more freedoms taking away fgrom us Americans by allowing
companies to sue individuals twenty five years after an alleged crime
was committed if you're innocent, but as an individual isn't allowed
to counter-sue the company for making a false claim of libel and/or
slander since it's more than one year after the alleged incident took
That also goes against what the teachers taught us about the law,
libel, and slander and that it would always be the way they said
because of the guarantees by the U.S. Constitution.
We now know that was more federal crime of fraud by the school
Even though the UI.S. Constitution does say what the teachers said,
the law is not the same as the teachers said it was.
Cutrent law violates the U.S. Constitution, so the school teachers are
definitely guilty of the federal crime of fraud.
Interstingly, the hoa did not have any rules about using any other
audio devices which could be as loud and liouder than car radios. Only
against radios.
And CB ands ham radio transmissions despite the FCC saying we're
allowed to transmit anywhere the FCC has authority.
Obviosly, either the FCC doesn't have any authority over radio
transmissions from hoa properties and the hoa can assign radio
frequencies (after all, I never signed any agreement with them), or
else they do and the hoa doesn't and can't prohibit antennas on your
car like they do because they claim it's "an eyesore" and "illegal
outdoor antenna against the hoa rules" even though you're a visitor
and it's on your car, and even though you never signed any agreement
with them, but they still fine you for it and even use the force of
law to have the city police force you to pay it.
Evemn if you're radio is off, you still have a two way transmitting
antenna on your car which is against the hoa rules which the hoa
claims applies to visitors also. It is a violation of their "no
outdoor antennas allowed" rule to have transmitting antennas on your
car even if you're a visitor.
This was obviously designed to prevent ham and cb radio use since
playing music through your computer speakers at full volume was
And playing tapes on tape recorders at full volume was allowed.
But playing your radio even at low volume was against their rules even
if you were/are a visitor.
Of course, the pro-hoa people will say they have that right to force
their will upon the visitors since it's pribate property owned by the
Well, if that isn't the kettle calling the pot black. It is the kettle
calling the pot black.
And two way radio antennas installed on cars do NOT come off easily
unless you have a mag mount, which not everyone does.
Closer to home, i have had people tell me to take my CB and ham radio
antenna off my car. ( I only had one anteenna on the car each time
that happened, not two at the same time).
The problem there is that the hoas are fining the people I visit for
having a ttransmitting antenna on MY car whenever I visit those
So Iit seems I have to take my antennas off my car even though the
FCC said hams with hoa restrictions can just operaste mobile and
No they can't!! . I don't even belong to a hoa. The property I
currently live on has no hoa and no CC&R s, yet I'm still being forced
ny hoas to take my transmitting antenna off my car and not use my
amateurtr radio at all because trhe hoa nazis think all antennas are
an eyesore and fine anyone I visit for having an antenna on my car ,
since it is near impossible to find anything around here without a hoa
and CC&R, which then gets everyone I visit upset and demanding I take
my antenna off. So that they don't get fined.
Also, hoas have fined people driving down publically owned roads for
transmitting from their car and having an anteena on their car which
is an "eyesore" just because it is an antenna, not that it's actually
an eyesore.
Also operating mobile like the FCC says, makes the police think
you're a burglar and/or terrorist casing the neighborhood and they,
the police tell you it's the law that you have to stup doing it IF
you're lucky enough to not get arrested and tell you have to do it
from home.
But hamd with hoas (most places) can't do that.
So the one other option left is to park in a business or public park
and transmit from there.
The problem is the police then think you're casing the business to rob
it or commit some other cerime at it, and think you're a criminal
terrorist if you're even listening to a CB at a public park even in
the middle of the day.
I know. I've had it happen to me.
I wasn't even transmitting on the Cb, and was as polite as could be
when the officer asked me questions and before he left told me he was
putting mr on the criminal tewrrorist list and would be watching me.
And I wasn't even able to fight it in court since he didn't give me
any citation.
I want my name off of the criminal terrorist list he put me on which
he was able to do since the police and government work together now to
put people on those lists.
And complaining to the police department won't help, since the federal
government won't remove your name from the list once you're on it,
even if the police department removes it from their local list which
won't happen since your name is now on the federal list and the police
departments have to go by it.
I did attempt to go to that police department to complain, but
couldn't find it anywhere. I didn't live in that county at that time
so didn't have a phone book for it. I drove all through that
municipality and couldn't find the police department even though the
name of the municipality was written on the police car and the same
name as the municipality I was in at the time.
Well, now it's a few years later and I was finally able to get a copy
of the phone book for that county.
No wonder I couldn't find the police department!!!
It tuens out that the police department for that municipality that
serves that municipality is not located in that municipality at all,
but is located TWO municipalities AWAY from the municipality it serves
inside a municipality which it does not serve at all and has no
authority to serve at all.
I would have never dreamed in a million years that it was located two
municipalities away in a municipality it does not serve.
That's righr. To get to the police department which serves the
municipality I was in at the time which the cop from that police
department told me I'm only legal if I'm violating FCC rules. Obeying
FCC rules is illegal. (according to them), you have to drive through
that municipality, then entirely through another municipality, then
keep going in the same direction through another municipality which
the police department for the original municipality does not serve,
and there's the police deparment for tha original municipality.
I've even been stopped by a cop fot having just a shortwave radio
reciever/converter in my car before back in the 80's , because he seen
the antenna on my car for the shortwave broadcast reciever. It
covered ONLY the shortwave BROADCAST bands, and not even all of them.
And I wasn't even in michigan where it really was against the law to
listen to broadcassts by the BBC while mobile at that time and
against the law to listen to broadcasts by Radio Netherlands,
DeutcheVelle, Radio Australia and any other shortwave broadcaster at
the time while mobile.
Even at that time, listeing to shortwave broadcast stations while
mobile was NOT illegal in my state, but that didn't stop the cop from
turning on his lights and stopping me for it. He was going to give me
a ticket for it when he saw the installed MFJ shortwave broadcast
And all the questions he asked mr was about that. He couldn't ask me
anything else because I wasn't committing any crime, not even
He told me it was illegal to have a shortwave converter that recieves
shotwave broadcast stations in the car because it was illegal to
listen to shortwave broadcast staions in a car.
His reaction when he heard broadcasts similar to AM/FM through it such
as Radio Netherlands playing Durtch music, the BBC playing news,
etcetera, he then knew he couldn't give me a ticket for it. LOL.
I don't remember the exact shortwave nroadcast stations he heard or
the model number, but it was a MFJ shortwave converter which was
designed to and played the shortwave broadcast bands through your
regular am/fm car radio.
I was a nice, normal person who minded my own business, but the cop
who said he put me on the criminal terrorist list for not violating
FCC rules by not conducting amateur radio business on the legal 40 CB
channels as the law requires me to do even though it violates FCC
rules has tuened me into Scrooge.
Bah. Humbug.
I know all the self-appointed cops on here are going to hate me for
breaking the law, but I don't care what the cop says. I'm obeying ot
at least attempting to obey all the FCC rules even though I have been
by the cop that it is against the law to do so,
I don't even live in that county.
The problem is my radio signals still reach that county, and despite
what we were once told about an area you don't live in not gaving
jurisiction over you even though your radio signals reach there since
you're transmitting from where it is completely legal, that was proven
false when the UK arrested Radio Caroline for legally transmitting
from international waters since they're signals were recivanle in the
So since my radio signals reach the next county, where the police have
told me it is illegal to even listen to a CB with only the legal 40
channels unless you have a radio license which allows you to transmit
ham radio on the legal 40 CB channels, a clear violation of FCC rules
which count it as out-of-band operation, but the ONY legal way to
remain legal with your only standard 40 channels CB equipment
according to the police.
Well, I don't care that my radio signals reach there. I don;t live
there. Obey the law? Bah. Humbug.
Although the UK and ITU has now set the precedent that jurisictions in
which you're not transmitting from that can recieve your signals can
legally haul you in, arrest you, and prosecure you even though you're
transmitting from where it's completely legal to do so, despite the
ITU's earlier statements that it's completely legal under
international law to transmit on any frequency your own country allows
if you're in international waters.
From what I reas, undder ITU regulations, it's even a requyirement to
do so,, such as an American flagged vessel must operate only on
frequencies assigned to the U.S. while in international waters.
But the UK can prosecure you for doing so even though you're not in UK
The precedent has been set.
Yes, the self-appointred radio cops on these forums are probably now
annoyed that I'm bereaking the law and saying to theirselves that I
should never be allowed to get any radio license at all since I'm
breaking the law.
And that anyone who has ever broken any law whatsoecver, whether
federal, state, or local should never ever have any radio license at
all ever. ( the self-appointed radio cops have even stated that in the
past on these forums).
Breaking the law which requires me to violate FCC rules.
The FCC sure doesn't give out the type of licenses the cop said I must
have to be leegal.
That type of license is a violation of FCC rules.
But it is nevertheless, a violation of some local law
which I am "illegally breaking" even though i don't live in that
county and those laws aren't supposed to apply to me since I don't
live there.
But the iTU and UK have already set the precedent of what the iTU
rules regrding radio enforcement is for all countries.
So here's what I think of the self-appointed radio cops in these
forums who say I should be arrested for breaking the law which
requires me to violate FCC rules. Since breaking any law is illegal.
Bah. Humbug.
I don't care what you say. I am not going to willingly violate FCC
rules just because you say so and the law requires it.
My own county doesn't require that. Mu own county, the county I live
in, allows me to obey FCC rules.
I haven't had any trouble with any cop or police here regarding that,
And I don'y suspect I will, here.
It is NOT illegal to obey FCC rules where I live, unlike in the next
county here.
So to the seld-appointed radio cops who are angry I'm breaking the
next county's law about listening to a CB (not transmitting, but just
listening) without the proper radio licence which says I'm allowed to
conduct ham radio operations on the regular 27 MHZ 40 channel CB in
order to legally listen to CB, I say
Bah. Humbug.
From Scrooge
I just found this on the net from "Coral Springs Tower Club II Condo
It sounds like a good place for hams, cbers, gmrs users, and scanner
listeners, right?
Here are a couple of their rules.
"No radio or television aerial or antenna shall be attached to, or
hung from the exteriorof the units or the roofs thereon, and no
transmitting equipment shall be operated in a unit. This prohibition
does not apply to any master television antenna systeminstalled by the
Condominium Association for the use by all units. See rules
forinstallation of satellite dishes"
The rule above violates both the FCC rules and law passed by Congress
that they are not allowed to prevent people who own the entire house
or entire condo from putting up an outside antenna.
So you think you can put one up since Congress made a law saying so
and submitting the rulings from the FCC on the subject?
Not according to them, despite what you learned in school about
Their other rule explicitly says so
So if you probide them with either the informaation from the FCC about
the FCC rulings or the law from Congress or both, their hoa rules
supercede the FCC rules and even supercedes U.S. laws made by the
U.S. Congress (accordig to them).
Just like Ohio State University requires you to use a transmitter not
certified by the FCC if OSU determines that a FCC-certifiesd
transmitter is causing interference to other transmitters or
recievees. Look up the OSU rules ansd you'll see.
Now how can anyone say these hoas are not anti-American?
I was on vacation elsewhere recently and the hoas even impose their
rules on people who don't live there who have never made any
agreements with the hoas at all. And have the city's law enforcement
officers eenfoece it against anyone who doesn't comply even though the
citu itself doesn't have any laws aganst that activity. But obviouslly
has some soer of laws against disobeying hoas' rules even if you don't
live there and never ever made any agreement with any hoa whatsoever.
I didn't even live in that fricking' state. We were just visiting.
Whar gives them the right to not let us use our car radio at low
volume in our own car in what is supposed to be a free country when we
never signed any agreement with them at all? All through all my years
in school, I learned this was a free country where you could do those
things when you wanted.
Well,then, since it obviously isn't, all of my school teachers I've
ever had through all my school years dfrom elementary school, junior
high school, high school, and college should ALL be sued for
committing the federal crime of fraud.
Unfortunately, that can't be done since the states are aware that is
what would happen by imposing un-American hoas and cc&rs on
everything, so the states made laws saying no one can sue anyone else,
or any other businerss or organization after one year from the date
the crime was committed or one year after an alleged crime was
committed.. But that all business are allowed to sue individuals even
after tewenty five years after an alleged crime is committted and even
twenty five years or longer after a crime is committed.
Thaty's just more freedoms taking away fgrom us Americans by allowing
companies to sue individuals twenty five years after an alleged crime
was committed if you're innocent, but as an individual isn't allowed
to counter-sue the company for making a false claim of libel and/or
slander since it's more than one year after the alleged incident took
That also goes against what the teachers taught us about the law,
libel, and slander and that it would always be the way they said
because of the guarantees by the U.S. Constitution.
We now know that was more federal crime of fraud by the school
Even though the UI.S. Constitution does say what the teachers said,
the law is not the same as the teachers said it was.
Cutrent law violates the U.S. Constitution, so the school teachers are
definitely guilty of the federal crime of fraud.
Interstingly, the hoa did not have any rules about using any other
audio devices which could be as loud and liouder than car radios. Only
against radios.
And CB ands ham radio transmissions despite the FCC saying we're
allowed to transmit anywhere the FCC has authority.
Obviosly, either the FCC doesn't have any authority over radio
transmissions from hoa properties and the hoa can assign radio
frequencies (after all, I never signed any agreement with them), or
else they do and the hoa doesn't and can't prohibit antennas on your
car like they do because they claim it's "an eyesore" and "illegal
outdoor antenna against the hoa rules" even though you're a visitor
and it's on your car, and even though you never signed any agreement
with them, but they still fine you for it and even use the force of
law to have the city police force you to pay it.
Evemn if you're radio is off, you still have a two way transmitting
antenna on your car which is against the hoa rules which the hoa
claims applies to visitors also. It is a violation of their "no
outdoor antennas allowed" rule to have transmitting antennas on your
car even if you're a visitor.
This was obviously designed to prevent ham and cb radio use since
playing music through your computer speakers at full volume was
And playing tapes on tape recorders at full volume was allowed.
But playing your radio even at low volume was against their rules even
if you were/are a visitor.
Of course, the pro-hoa people will say they have that right to force
their will upon the visitors since it's pribate property owned by the
Well, if that isn't the kettle calling the pot black. It is the kettle
calling the pot black.
And two way radio antennas installed on cars do NOT come off easily
unless you have a mag mount, which not everyone does.
Closer to home, i have had people tell me to take my CB and ham radio
antenna off my car. ( I only had one anteenna on the car each time
that happened, not two at the same time).
The problem there is that the hoas are fining the people I visit for
having a ttransmitting antenna on MY car whenever I visit those
So Iit seems I have to take my antennas off my car even though the
FCC said hams with hoa restrictions can just operaste mobile and
No they can't!! . I don't even belong to a hoa. The property I
currently live on has no hoa and no CC&R s, yet I'm still being forced
ny hoas to take my transmitting antenna off my car and not use my
amateurtr radio at all because trhe hoa nazis think all antennas are
an eyesore and fine anyone I visit for having an antenna on my car ,
since it is near impossible to find anything around here without a hoa
and CC&R, which then gets everyone I visit upset and demanding I take
my antenna off. So that they don't get fined.
Also, hoas have fined people driving down publically owned roads for
transmitting from their car and having an anteena on their car which
is an "eyesore" just because it is an antenna, not that it's actually
an eyesore.
Also operating mobile like the FCC says, makes the police think
you're a burglar and/or terrorist casing the neighborhood and they,
the police tell you it's the law that you have to stup doing it IF
you're lucky enough to not get arrested and tell you have to do it
from home.
But hamd with hoas (most places) can't do that.
So the one other option left is to park in a business or public park
and transmit from there.
The problem is the police then think you're casing the business to rob
it or commit some other cerime at it, and think you're a criminal
terrorist if you're even listening to a CB at a public park even in
the middle of the day.
I know. I've had it happen to me.
I wasn't even transmitting on the Cb, and was as polite as could be
when the officer asked me questions and before he left told me he was
putting mr on the criminal tewrrorist list and would be watching me.
And I wasn't even able to fight it in court since he didn't give me
any citation.
I want my name off of the criminal terrorist list he put me on which
he was able to do since the police and government work together now to
put people on those lists.
And complaining to the police department won't help, since the federal
government won't remove your name from the list once you're on it,
even if the police department removes it from their local list which
won't happen since your name is now on the federal list and the police
departments have to go by it.
I did attempt to go to that police department to complain, but
couldn't find it anywhere. I didn't live in that county at that time
so didn't have a phone book for it. I drove all through that
municipality and couldn't find the police department even though the
name of the municipality was written on the police car and the same
name as the municipality I was in at the time.
Well, now it's a few years later and I was finally able to get a copy
of the phone book for that county.
No wonder I couldn't find the police department!!!
It tuens out that the police department for that municipality that
serves that municipality is not located in that municipality at all,
but is located TWO municipalities AWAY from the municipality it serves
inside a municipality which it does not serve at all and has no
authority to serve at all.
I would have never dreamed in a million years that it was located two
municipalities away in a municipality it does not serve.
That's righr. To get to the police department which serves the
municipality I was in at the time which the cop from that police
department told me I'm only legal if I'm violating FCC rules. Obeying
FCC rules is illegal. (according to them), you have to drive through
that municipality, then entirely through another municipality, then
keep going in the same direction through another municipality which
the police department for the original municipality does not serve,
and there's the police deparment for tha original municipality.
I've even been stopped by a cop fot having just a shortwave radio
reciever/converter in my car before back in the 80's , because he seen
the antenna on my car for the shortwave broadcast reciever. It
covered ONLY the shortwave BROADCAST bands, and not even all of them.
And I wasn't even in michigan where it really was against the law to
listen to broadcassts by the BBC while mobile at that time and
against the law to listen to broadcasts by Radio Netherlands,
DeutcheVelle, Radio Australia and any other shortwave broadcaster at
the time while mobile.
Even at that time, listeing to shortwave broadcast stations while
mobile was NOT illegal in my state, but that didn't stop the cop from
turning on his lights and stopping me for it. He was going to give me
a ticket for it when he saw the installed MFJ shortwave broadcast
And all the questions he asked mr was about that. He couldn't ask me
anything else because I wasn't committing any crime, not even
He told me it was illegal to have a shortwave converter that recieves
shotwave broadcast stations in the car because it was illegal to
listen to shortwave broadcast staions in a car.
His reaction when he heard broadcasts similar to AM/FM through it such
as Radio Netherlands playing Durtch music, the BBC playing news,
etcetera, he then knew he couldn't give me a ticket for it. LOL.
I don't remember the exact shortwave nroadcast stations he heard or
the model number, but it was a MFJ shortwave converter which was
designed to and played the shortwave broadcast bands through your
regular am/fm car radio.
I was a nice, normal person who minded my own business, but the cop
who said he put me on the criminal terrorist list for not violating
FCC rules by not conducting amateur radio business on the legal 40 CB
channels as the law requires me to do even though it violates FCC
rules has tuened me into Scrooge.
Bah. Humbug.
I know all the self-appointed cops on here are going to hate me for
breaking the law, but I don't care what the cop says. I'm obeying ot
at least attempting to obey all the FCC rules even though I have been
by the cop that it is against the law to do so,
I don't even live in that county.
The problem is my radio signals still reach that county, and despite
what we were once told about an area you don't live in not gaving
jurisiction over you even though your radio signals reach there since
you're transmitting from where it is completely legal, that was proven
false when the UK arrested Radio Caroline for legally transmitting
from international waters since they're signals were recivanle in the
So since my radio signals reach the next county, where the police have
told me it is illegal to even listen to a CB with only the legal 40
channels unless you have a radio license which allows you to transmit
ham radio on the legal 40 CB channels, a clear violation of FCC rules
which count it as out-of-band operation, but the ONY legal way to
remain legal with your only standard 40 channels CB equipment
according to the police.
Well, I don't care that my radio signals reach there. I don;t live
there. Obey the law? Bah. Humbug.
Although the UK and ITU has now set the precedent that jurisictions in
which you're not transmitting from that can recieve your signals can
legally haul you in, arrest you, and prosecure you even though you're
transmitting from where it's completely legal to do so, despite the
ITU's earlier statements that it's completely legal under
international law to transmit on any frequency your own country allows
if you're in international waters.
From what I reas, undder ITU regulations, it's even a requyirement to
do so,, such as an American flagged vessel must operate only on
frequencies assigned to the U.S. while in international waters.
But the UK can prosecure you for doing so even though you're not in UK
The precedent has been set.
Yes, the self-appointred radio cops on these forums are probably now
annoyed that I'm bereaking the law and saying to theirselves that I
should never be allowed to get any radio license at all since I'm
breaking the law.
And that anyone who has ever broken any law whatsoecver, whether
federal, state, or local should never ever have any radio license at
all ever. ( the self-appointed radio cops have even stated that in the
past on these forums).
Breaking the law which requires me to violate FCC rules.
The FCC sure doesn't give out the type of licenses the cop said I must
have to be leegal.
That type of license is a violation of FCC rules.
But it is nevertheless, a violation of some local law
which I am "illegally breaking" even though i don't live in that
county and those laws aren't supposed to apply to me since I don't
live there.
But the iTU and UK have already set the precedent of what the iTU
rules regrding radio enforcement is for all countries.
So here's what I think of the self-appointed radio cops in these
forums who say I should be arrested for breaking the law which
requires me to violate FCC rules. Since breaking any law is illegal.
Bah. Humbug.
I don't care what you say. I am not going to willingly violate FCC
rules just because you say so and the law requires it.
My own county doesn't require that. Mu own county, the county I live
in, allows me to obey FCC rules.
I haven't had any trouble with any cop or police here regarding that,
And I don'y suspect I will, here.
It is NOT illegal to obey FCC rules where I live, unlike in the next
county here.
So to the seld-appointed radio cops who are angry I'm breaking the
next county's law about listening to a CB (not transmitting, but just
listening) without the proper radio licence which says I'm allowed to
conduct ham radio operations on the regular 27 MHZ 40 channel CB in
order to legally listen to CB, I say
Bah. Humbug.
From Scrooge