2008-12-18 21:50:16 UTC
X-No-Archive: Yes
Yesterday, I rehooked up my cb, it was on channel 19, and the first
thing I heard was someone calling someone
else an a**hole.
Then that "a**hole" came on, and it was our local CB idiot who says on
for hours at a time with about every other word coming out of his
mouth being profanity and cuss words.
The kids around here do NOT need to hear tha kind of language or some
of the X-rated things he was saying.
I sure hope they didn't hear that.
:Later, I turnen on the frs/gmrs radio and turned off the CB.
That was okay until the morning when someone started playing music on
frs channel 1.
I might have said something except my frs/gmrs is 600 milliwatts on
the frs/gmrsinstead of 500 milliwatts. And I don't have a license yet
to transmit over 500 milliwatts on those channels and don't want to
get one unless I get a good GMRS radio, a full 50 watts (out of the
price range of what I can afford) or a 5 watt with a detachable
antenna. So I didn't say anything on that channel.
Why emergency services on FRS is not a good idea.
One day, I loaned my frs radios to my neices (kids) and their dad. One
of them then started pretending over the air like they were in the
military being attacked by terrorists.
Nope. It wasn't the kids. It was their dad. So much for loaning your
two-way radios to your "adult" brother-in-law.
With ham radio, the problem is the self-appointed radio cops who think
they know everything when in fact they know nothing.
A friend of mine moved ffrom here to south carolina and when she came
back here, her accent had changed to a south carolina.
From what I read, that's normal when people move to somewhere else.
Their accent and language eventually changes to where they moved to.
The self-appointed radio cops hear someone from or living in the
Appalachian mountains (even if they're not originally from there)
saying "I'm going to go get me some dope now" or "I'm a gonna have me
some dope now".
The next thing they know, the self-appointed radio cop has turned
them into the federal government for illegal drug trafficking. And for
using federally illegal drugs.
Whn in fact, no ssuch thing ever happened.
Then in court, the judge asks if they reallydid say "I'm gonna get me
some dope". If trying to explain, they're responded to by the judge
with "Just answer yes or no. Nothing else. Just yes or no. Did you say
you were going to get some dope"
If honest, he answers yes, and ends up in federal prison for a crime
he never ever committed just because of some smart-aleck know-it-all
self-appointed radio cop who actually knows nothing.
In Appalachia, "dope" is commonly used to refer to any and all soft
drinks, also known as soda pop in other parts of the country.
In some parts of the south, "Coke is used to mean any soft drink
regardless of the brand.
There, a "Pepsi" is a "Coke".
So I'm guessing that maybe "dope" to mean "soda pop" in Appalachia
came about because of Coca-Cola having cocaine in it in it's early
days. And just stuck as part of the language.
Although I don't know if that's really where the word to mean that
came from or not. Just my guess.
Okay, Dude. I admit it. I have some Appalachian background in my
I eard from my relatives that other relatives of mine had a real
hillbilly car.
You know, the kind that's all rusted out with the doors ready to fall
And I think cracked windows.
People thought that car would never ever make it back to California.
However, they hooked it up to a Greyhound Bus and made it back.
Of course, by the time the car got there, the tires and car were all
burnt up.
But hey, they made it back to California in that car.
hmmmm... Dude, you said you're a redneck from California.
Was that you or your family or your relativves?
If so, we just might be cousins.
Yesterday, I rehooked up my cb, it was on channel 19, and the first
thing I heard was someone calling someone
else an a**hole.
Then that "a**hole" came on, and it was our local CB idiot who says on
for hours at a time with about every other word coming out of his
mouth being profanity and cuss words.
The kids around here do NOT need to hear tha kind of language or some
of the X-rated things he was saying.
I sure hope they didn't hear that.
:Later, I turnen on the frs/gmrs radio and turned off the CB.
That was okay until the morning when someone started playing music on
frs channel 1.
I might have said something except my frs/gmrs is 600 milliwatts on
the frs/gmrsinstead of 500 milliwatts. And I don't have a license yet
to transmit over 500 milliwatts on those channels and don't want to
get one unless I get a good GMRS radio, a full 50 watts (out of the
price range of what I can afford) or a 5 watt with a detachable
antenna. So I didn't say anything on that channel.
Why emergency services on FRS is not a good idea.
One day, I loaned my frs radios to my neices (kids) and their dad. One
of them then started pretending over the air like they were in the
military being attacked by terrorists.
Nope. It wasn't the kids. It was their dad. So much for loaning your
two-way radios to your "adult" brother-in-law.
With ham radio, the problem is the self-appointed radio cops who think
they know everything when in fact they know nothing.
A friend of mine moved ffrom here to south carolina and when she came
back here, her accent had changed to a south carolina.
From what I read, that's normal when people move to somewhere else.
Their accent and language eventually changes to where they moved to.
The self-appointed radio cops hear someone from or living in the
Appalachian mountains (even if they're not originally from there)
saying "I'm going to go get me some dope now" or "I'm a gonna have me
some dope now".
The next thing they know, the self-appointed radio cop has turned
them into the federal government for illegal drug trafficking. And for
using federally illegal drugs.
Whn in fact, no ssuch thing ever happened.
Then in court, the judge asks if they reallydid say "I'm gonna get me
some dope". If trying to explain, they're responded to by the judge
with "Just answer yes or no. Nothing else. Just yes or no. Did you say
you were going to get some dope"
If honest, he answers yes, and ends up in federal prison for a crime
he never ever committed just because of some smart-aleck know-it-all
self-appointed radio cop who actually knows nothing.
In Appalachia, "dope" is commonly used to refer to any and all soft
drinks, also known as soda pop in other parts of the country.
In some parts of the south, "Coke is used to mean any soft drink
regardless of the brand.
There, a "Pepsi" is a "Coke".
So I'm guessing that maybe "dope" to mean "soda pop" in Appalachia
came about because of Coca-Cola having cocaine in it in it's early
days. And just stuck as part of the language.
Although I don't know if that's really where the word to mean that
came from or not. Just my guess.
Okay, Dude. I admit it. I have some Appalachian background in my
I eard from my relatives that other relatives of mine had a real
hillbilly car.
You know, the kind that's all rusted out with the doors ready to fall
And I think cracked windows.
People thought that car would never ever make it back to California.
However, they hooked it up to a Greyhound Bus and made it back.
Of course, by the time the car got there, the tires and car were all
burnt up.
But hey, they made it back to California in that car.
hmmmm... Dude, you said you're a redneck from California.
Was that you or your family or your relativves?
If so, we just might be cousins.