2010-01-18 18:11:01 UTC
X-No-Archive: Yes
<<"Talking to a passenger in the vehicle versus talking to someone
<<through electronic means does
<<additional look‐out for hazards; the
<<passenger can adjust speech, tone and conversation to the driving
<<environment; and cell phone
<<conversations suppress brain activity necessary for attention to
<<perceptual input."
Bull. That's the usual B.S. excuse about it's safer because a
passenger helps the driver drive the right way by loking out at the
road and rtelling the driver what to do.
I have been driving for years without any accidents, sometimes while
talking on a radio, sometimes not,
Then one day, my nost nimby neighbor started complaining about the way
I was driving (the way where I never had any accidents at all) because
the way I was , had been, and was still driving was and is offensive
to her and a gives a bad impression of the neighborhood thereby
lowering her property values.
and then this same nosy nimby neighbor proceeded telling me how I
should be driving and the ONLY correct way (to her) for me t o drive.
The result: I was in an automobie accident.
So if states and cities want to ban using crll phones without a hands
free device, they should also outlaw all passengers talking to the
driver in a car.
Because it's a fact that backseat drivers are more dangerous than and
cause even more accidents than talking on a cellphone without a hands
free device while driving.
I will never ever ever again listen to nosy nimby neighbors no matter
what their hoa says.
My good car totally ruined because of them.
Don't listen to their excuses that "you must do it the way we say for
the good of the neighborhood and community and their other B.S.
And no, I did NOT sign any such agreement.
But that still doesn't stop you from having a nosy nimby neighbor and
a hoa that you don't belomng to down the street.
Other times, I have had passengers in the front seat next to me, (and
sometimes the back seat) hitting me for not driving the way THEY
wanted me to, causing me to swerve all over the road and across and in
both lanes with cars coming the opposite way instead of staying in my
own lane
Yet while alone, without being hit, I drive straight and rermain in my
own lane fine, and even change lanes just fine.
The only trouble I ever have is with backseat drivers.
So if the states and cities are truly concerned about automobile
safety, they should also outlaw passengers talking to and hitting ther
drivers. They shgould outlaw backseat drivers because backseat drivers
are more dangerous than and cause even more accidents than drivers
talking on a cellphone without a hands fre device.
I can use my cellphone just like a radio microphone with less pushes
than a radio microphone except that it's against the law in some
cities and states to do so without a hands free device, even though
it's no more dangerous than using a radio microphone.
So for cellphone use, by law, I'm forced to use a hands-free device
which requires me to push several more buttons and dials than I would
have to if I was talking on a cellphone without a hands free device
and without the phone being in speaker mode.
<<"Talking to a passenger in the vehicle versus talking to someone
<<through electronic means does
not cause the same level of distraction. Reasons for the difference <<include: the passenger is
<<aware of the driving situation; the passenger can serve an<<additional look‐out for hazards; the
<<passenger can adjust speech, tone and conversation to the driving
<<environment; and cell phone
<<conversations suppress brain activity necessary for attention to
<<perceptual input."
Bull. That's the usual B.S. excuse about it's safer because a
passenger helps the driver drive the right way by loking out at the
road and rtelling the driver what to do.
I have been driving for years without any accidents, sometimes while
talking on a radio, sometimes not,
Then one day, my nost nimby neighbor started complaining about the way
I was driving (the way where I never had any accidents at all) because
the way I was , had been, and was still driving was and is offensive
to her and a gives a bad impression of the neighborhood thereby
lowering her property values.
and then this same nosy nimby neighbor proceeded telling me how I
should be driving and the ONLY correct way (to her) for me t o drive.
The result: I was in an automobie accident.
So if states and cities want to ban using crll phones without a hands
free device, they should also outlaw all passengers talking to the
driver in a car.
Because it's a fact that backseat drivers are more dangerous than and
cause even more accidents than talking on a cellphone without a hands
free device while driving.
I will never ever ever again listen to nosy nimby neighbors no matter
what their hoa says.
My good car totally ruined because of them.
Don't listen to their excuses that "you must do it the way we say for
the good of the neighborhood and community and their other B.S.
And no, I did NOT sign any such agreement.
But that still doesn't stop you from having a nosy nimby neighbor and
a hoa that you don't belomng to down the street.
Other times, I have had passengers in the front seat next to me, (and
sometimes the back seat) hitting me for not driving the way THEY
wanted me to, causing me to swerve all over the road and across and in
both lanes with cars coming the opposite way instead of staying in my
own lane
Yet while alone, without being hit, I drive straight and rermain in my
own lane fine, and even change lanes just fine.
The only trouble I ever have is with backseat drivers.
So if the states and cities are truly concerned about automobile
safety, they should also outlaw passengers talking to and hitting ther
drivers. They shgould outlaw backseat drivers because backseat drivers
are more dangerous than and cause even more accidents than drivers
talking on a cellphone without a hands fre device.
I can use my cellphone just like a radio microphone with less pushes
than a radio microphone except that it's against the law in some
cities and states to do so without a hands free device, even though
it's no more dangerous than using a radio microphone.
So for cellphone use, by law, I'm forced to use a hands-free device
which requires me to push several more buttons and dials than I would
have to if I was talking on a cellphone without a hands free device
and without the phone being in speaker mode.