(too old to reply)
2006-12-23 06:21:24 UTC
I know some of you are against ragchewing on frs. However, I look at it
a little bit different. Although I've never done so myself, yet. If I'm
talking to my neighbor down the street, why use a cb that goes for 25
miles when a frs that goes for only one mile will do?

With the frs, the only ones who will hear me are the ones in my
immediate neighborhood. While with the cb, everyone in several cities
will hear me.

With a cb, I would be blocking people in several cities within 25 miles
who want to use their cb to talk to their neighbors down the street.

While with the frs, everyone farther than one mile from, in all of
those cities, will be able to use their frs to talk to their neighbors
without interference from me.

I would still use the cb to talk to people who are farther away from me
than the frs radios can cover. Or if if the other party has only a cb.

There's not really that many people within a one mile radius.

For several reasons, I just prefer to use the least amount of
transmitting power necessary for communications.

Unlike some Tim Taylor type of individuals who constantly want to run
more power.

2006-12-24 03:19:47 UTC
Just so you all know

So far, I have only used my frs for talking to my own family and only
briefly, such as when I needed picked up at the mall.

It's just that if I'm at the park near my house and talking on the
radio to one of my neighbors I'd rather use my half watt frs instead
of my 4 watt handheld cb.

Mainly because it doesn't go as far and will still do the job for that.

Just my thoughts and my take on it.

I hardly ever hear anyone on it here anymore. I used to a couple of
years ago, although it wasn't very active then either.